
Yash Dubey
Jul 27, 2022

Sometimes I wonder.

I sit and ponder.

Are we flawed?

Do we all have flaws?

Or is it a flaw

To think

That we all have flaws?

Sometimes I wonder.

I sit and ponder.

Do flaws exist?

Or is it a flaw

To think

That flaws exist?

Sometimes I wonder.

I sit and ponder.

If nothing is flawless

Do flaws exist?

If everything is flawed

Is anything flawed?

Is it our eyes

Or is it us

Mistaking the special

Erring on the extraordinary

Faulting the quirk

Misconstruing the idiosyncrasy

Perhaps we can

Accept the oddity

Embrace the eccentricity

Pleasure in the peculiarity

Maybe then

There will be no flaws

